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Baroque Heroes

Farinelli, Carestini, Nicolini, Senesino, Farfallino, are the legendary nicknames of five of the greatest vocal stars of the eighteenth century.This program seeks to revive this extraordinary legacy.
70' - plus interval
Vivaldi, A.,
Broschi, R.,
Vinci, L.,
On demand

How can we deny that the success of the Baroque repertoire is inextricably linked to the greatness of its first performers? In the eighteenth century, most of the operas given to the press were remembered not so much for their composers but more for the illustrious voices that first sang them. Farinelli, Carestini, Nicolini, Senesino, Farfallino, are the legendary nicknames of five of the greatest vocal stars of the eighteenth century. Italians, trained between Florence and Naples, known for their unparalleled virtuosity, some of the most beautiful arias ever written were composed for them.

The unmistakable voice of Raffaele Pe, accompanied by his Lira di Orfeo accepts for the first time the challenge of performing in a single concert some of the most impervious music written for these immortal voices with pieces from the works of Vivaldi, Handel, Broschi and Vinci.

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